Toothbrush-sanitizers are little devices that are meant to eliminate germs on the surface of a toothbrush. The many kinds of toothbrush sanitizers available include those that utilize ultraviolet (UV) light to kill bacteria, as well as those that use steam and dry heat to kill germs. Manufacturers of toothbrush sanitizers often claim that their products destroy 99 percent of the germs on a toothbrush’s surface. The American Dental Association, on the other hand, claims that there is no evidence to support the use of a toothbrush sanitizer as having any value. In the next section, we will discuss toothbrush sanitizers. Keep an eye on us.
According to any dentist, you should brush your teeth twice a day and floss once a day if you want to enhance your oral health. But even with that in mind, there are various products on the market that claim to be the secret to a better, healthier smile than you already have. Dental hygiene products such as toothbrush sanitizers have lately gained popularity, but are they really a worthwhile investment? As a result of their extensive research, our specialists have discovered that toothbrush sanitizers are both safe and effective equipment for oral hygiene.
A lot of crap is flying about and falling on your toothbrush as you go in. The situation becomes worse if your toilet is near your sink. Experts Warn Of Fecal-Oral Transmission Of COVID-19 “Leaves you cold?” The “toilet plume aerosol” effect is well researched. Most experts advise keeping your toothbrush as far away from the toilet as possible, but is it enough in this case? Then shut the lid. One high-tech solution is to sterilize your toothbrush with UV light after each usage. UV light has long been used to kill germs. Predominantly used in medical and industrial applications, UV-C LEDs have now been integrated into tiny consumer products such as toothbrush sanitizers and disinfectors. A few cautions before the reviews: First, how long UV-C takes to kill microorganisms is currently unknown. Some tough bugs (like COVID-19) may last a half hour or more in hot weather. Battery life was under 10 minutes for all but one item. Given the lack of standardization of UV-C LEDs, there have been several instances of counterfeit consumer items arriving on the market.
What are toothbrush sanitizers and how do they work?
Products that promise to destroy huge quantities of the germs that flourish on your toothbrush are known as toothbrush sanitizers or toothbrush sterilizers. While various manufacturers may promise varying levels of efficiency, it is crucial to remember that no sanitizing solution is capable of completely eliminating all germs from a given surface. Even while it may seem that there are many different products that share the label “toothbrush sanitizer,” there are really quite a few that are extremely similar. Antibacterial rinses and UV devices are the most common types of sanitizers.
Also available are UV sanitizers that can fit a large number of toothbrushes for usage by a family unit. Toothbrush sanitizers are available for purchase from a range of outlets, including pharmacy stores and cosmetics departments, and vary in price, size, and look. They are also accessible online. Antibacterial rinses are very simple products—they are liquid liquids into which toothbrushes are dipped between usages to kill microorganisms. Even while certain toothbrush sanitizing preparations are expressly created for this purpose, other individuals choose to use regular mouthwash as a substitute.
This technique has been condemned by the American Dental Association (ADA) as being unneeded, but they also acknowledge that it will not do any harm to your toothbrush. UV sanitizers are a step up in sophistication from standard disinfectants. These sanitizers work by simulating ultraviolet light, which is efficient in destroying germs. A UV sanitizer will also cause mutations in the DNA of any microbes that survive.
These mutations render bacteria unable to multiply, resulting in a lack of new germs to replace them when they die as a result of their death. Despite the fact that it is employed on a much smaller scale than certain clinical and laboratory settings, this technology is quite comparable. Some individuals prefer to sterilize their toothbrushes themselves, using hot water or dishwashers, despite the fact that these methods may do more harm than good to their toothbrushes.
Related Article: What Sanitizer Is Best For You? Differences in UV Sanitizer Explained

What is the difference between sanitization and sterilization?
The difference between sanitizing and sterilizing a toothbrush is straightforward: sterilizing removes all live organisms from the toothbrush, but sanitizing does not. No sanitizer is completely effective; if it were, it would be classified as a sterilizer. The fact that sanitizing indicates that 99.9 percent of germs will be eliminated does not imply that the level of bacteria reduction will be consistent from product to product. Ultimately, the purpose of sanitizers is not to completely eliminate germs from your toothbrush, but rather to control the growth of bacteria on your toothbrush and so prolong the life of your toothbrush.
Advantages in terms of health
Dentists suggest that you wash your teeth at least twice a day, and preferably three times a day, in order to maintain the best possible oral hygiene. As you brush your teeth, bacteria from your mouth starts to colonize and flourish on the bristles of your toothbrush. Furthermore, toothbrushes are usually stored in the bathroom, which does not have a very good reputation for being especially clean or sterile in general.
A soiled toothbrush serves as a breeding ground for germs and fungus. With that in mind, and the knowledge that certain common activities (such as the use of a toothbrush cap) have been shown to promote bacterial development, it is easy to feel anxious about the thought of germs. Even though studies have shown that toothbrush sanitizers do what they claim to do, there are currently no approved health advantages connected with the use of a toothbrush disinfectant. According to the American Dental Association, there is just not enough data to demonstrate that bacterial development on toothbrushes would result in any negative health consequences.
Are oral sanitizers a reliable antibacterial treatment?
Every human mouth contains microbes that are capable of reproducing. It’s likely that the bacteria on your toothbrush has already established a residence in your mouth without causing damage. In fact, in certain circumstances, having a lower rate of microbes than the general population might be a symptom of underlying health problems. Sanitizers, although they may not be quite as beneficial as dental floss or toothpaste, are nonetheless capable of providing comfort for people who are especially concerned about germs. Additional benefits may include individuals who are prone to oral infections, those who travel a lot, and those who use a toothbrush cap on a regular basis. While using a toothbrush sanitizer will not, on average, make your toothbrush any safer than one that is simply washed and dried after brushing, there are no hazards involved with the practice.
Related Article: Does UV light kill viruses and germs?
Are they really that expensive?
The effectiveness of a toothbrush sanitizer and whether or not it is a reasonable buy are two very different questions. The vast majority of dentists believe that there are extremely efficient toothbrush sanitizers available that significantly minimize the number of germs that grow on your toothbrush. However, whether or not cleaned bristles are a good investment ultimately comes down to personal preference. Remember that the American Dental Association (ADA) advises that you change your toothbrush (or the replacement head on your electric toothbrush) every three to four months.
The only exception to this rule is if the bristles on your toothbrush are ragged or worn out. Even modern toothbrushes will lose their efficiency if their bristles get worn, so it is critical to replace your brush as soon as possible if this occurs. While a toothbrush sanitizer can help reduce the number of germs on your toothbrush, it will not keep your brush from wearing out.After every illness, whether or not hand sanitizer was used, a new brush should be used.One option to sanitizing is to replace your toothbrush more often than suggested, which will reduce the amount of bacterial development on your toothbrush. A simple (and free) step that can be taken to prevent ever having to deal with an unhygienic toothbrush is to simply rinse it in warm water and check that the bristles are not hanging on to any food or dirt before using it again.
5 toothbrush sanitizers that are germ-blasting
- “Seago UV Sterilizer”
This $18 sterilizer looks like an electric pencil sharpener and runs on three AAA batteries (not supplied). The device’s top features two toothbrush slots. In principle, you merely insert your brush and click the huge front button to activate the UV for up to 8 minutes. In reality, it’s more difficult. However, I discovered that I had to manually maneuver the brush heads into position so they faced the light source. There is no UV-reflecting surface, and a lip extending into the chamber might shade the top of your brush depending on its position. Even if it isn’t fancy, it serves the job well enough and at a low cost. It’s now hard to obtain in US stores, but it may be available shortly. 6/10,

- LocknLock Sanitizer
Uniquely, the LocknLock Sanitizer is meant to travel with you: The single-brush unit is small and light. Simply snap the top around your toothbrush’s head to activate the UV light. Running time: 3 minutes. The gadget charges by mini-USB, making it even simpler to include in your bug-out bag; a cable but no AC adapter is supplied. During usage, a mirrored panel helps reflect UV light over the brush’s whole surface. It comes in three pastel hues and comes with tape-back magnets so you can hang it on the wall instead of bringing it with you. A somewhat bigger, double-brush unit costs $31. Its small size and versatility make it my best option in this roundup, provided you don’t have to sanitize a big household. 8/10 (recommended by WIRED), $
Related Article: Is UV Sanitizer Safe? Things You Need to Know

- S20 UV Toothbrush Sanitizer
Pursonic’s basic sanitizing system was the biggest and bluest object on my bathroom counter when I tested it. The fragile, all-plastic gadget boasts mysterious “ozone and photo catalyst technology” and holds up to five toothbrushes. Or, as planned, four toothbrushes and a razor, thanks to the device’s bigger left slot. Sadly, due to the positioning of the retaining clips, many current razors will not fit.
To use the Pursonic, you need a smaller razor than a Gillette Fusion5. The gadget is huge because it contains the whole brush, not just the head, so although the UV lights are focused on the bristles, they may also disinfect the handles. Use the provided A/C converter or four AA batteries to power the gadget for 5 to 8 minutes every time the door closes. The Pursonic is supposed to be wall-mounted using the accompanying silicone adhesive tube (not toothpaste! ), but it also stands alone on the counter. Best of all, it’s affordable, making it a good choice if you share a bathroom with your kids. 5/10, $20 on Amazon.

- Avari Toothbrush Sanitizer
When fitted, utilizing the optional countertop stand, the Avari sanitizer’s sleek form and myriad of lights may easily be mistaken for your internet router when fitted. Unlike the Pursonic, it can hold up to five toothbrushes or three toothbrushes and a razor. The device encloses all of your instruments inside its belly and begins working as soon as the door is closed. The A/C-powered machine first cleans your brushes with UV light for 10 minutes (only the heads have bulbs), then toasts them for three hours at up to 160°F to remove moisture. Finally, the UV light is turned on for two hours, just in case. Open and shut the door, and it all begins again. To be fair, I doubt Howard Hughes would be pleased with the intense light the machine produces for hours at a time in all directions or the chirpy beeps it makes during the procedure. I don’t need this much cleaning power, and $50 is a lot. But can a germaphobe really place a premium on soothing their neuroses? 7/10, $50 on Amazon.

Brush Cleaner Sarmocare B100E
A few features set Sarmocare apart from other sanitizers. To begin with, the gadget is purely wall-mountable. The system’s UV lamps shine on the brush heads behind a door that snaps shut around them. When the start button is clicked, the UV lights and a little fan within the chamber operate for 6 minutes to help dry objects. Even though it’s meant to be semi-permanently mounted, it has a rechargeable battery and a USB charging cord (but no AC adaptor). A full charge lasts roughly 25 cycles, although I anticipate most users will keep it plugged in 24/7 if one is nearby. Unlike the Avari, the Sarmocare sports an ultra-bright LED on top that can be simply covered with tape. If you don’t mind it being mounted on the wall, it’s a good option. 6/10, 36 $at Amazon.
Related Article: Why We Need UV-C Disinfection

The bottom line is that toothbrush sanitizers are not rip-offs or unproven items; they are just one of many options for reducing bacterial development and optimizing oral health at the dental office. It is scientifically established that toothpaste and mouthwashes reduce germs, but the usefulness of a bacterium-free toothbrush is more of a personal preference than a medical one.